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Top 10 Vlogging Ideas for Beginners

The world had turned to the internet for everything from entertainment to livelihood. This dependency grew many folds with the outbreak of the pandemic. Vlogging took a huge popularity leap in 2020. From motivational vlogs to working out, people were dependent on them. It was used to get connected. Through vlogging, distances have melted. You can experience traveling by sitting in the comfort of your couch. The videos give exposure to both the video-maker and the viewer. So, if you are thinking of humanizing your creativity, then this is the right time to make vlogs and share your experiences in more personalized ways. Below is a small amalgamation of different vlogging ideas that might come in useful.

Also read: The Essential Vlogging Gear for Beginners

Vlogging Ideas.

1. Travel Vlogs

This is the most popular form of vlogs. If you are into traveling, then this is what you should do. Take your camera and start shooting things around you. Here are the different things you can discuss during your vlogs.

· Mode of transport

Use different modes of transportation during your vlog, and start your video by introducing your transport. You can go on a bike, on a bus, on your feet, there are many different things.

· Locations

The key to succeeding in this world is developing innovative vlogging ideas. You don’t have to travel abroad to make these videos. Find something around you. Remember, your viewers are not living on your street.

· Facts and opinions

Adding facts makes the video more interesting. And people want to hear your opinion on what the place has to offer.

2. Cooking Vlogs

This is one of the most successful vlogging ideas. People love watching cooking vlogs. Suppose you are a pro cook; there is nothing better. If not, then make simple things and concentrate on decorating the serving.

· Everyday cooking

No one eats fancy food every day. Use your vlogs to show how everyday cooking can be simple yet attractive.

· Fancy cooking

Yes, fancy cooking is still and will always be a craze. Vlog different types of fancy cooking.

· Professional cooking

If you are not a professional cook, look for someone and take your vlogs to them.

· Tips on serving

 Serving food in a fancy way can sometimes make all the difference. Keep vlogging about how to serve in different ways. Change of ambiance now and then can be healthy.

3. Daily Life Vlogs

We all like an insight into other people’s life. You can start vlogging about how you spend your life and the people around you. Vlogging ideas are all about your creativity.

· Vlog about relationships

You can make videos about how a mother spends her life or how a husband works around the clock to provide for his family. Or simply your own life. Suppose you can get hold of a celebrity, then all the better. Be as creative as you can get.

· Vlog the life of random people

You can choose the life of your servant and create empathy towards these people who silently serve us.

Also read: 15 Vlogging Tips For Beginners

4. Fitness Vlogs

Again, a very popular form of vlogging. Get fitness education from the comfort of your own house. It is especially popular amongst eastern women, who do not go out much.

· How to lose weight

Vlog about different ways how to lose weight. Explore different approaches and come forward with research so that you can explain them all.

· How to maintain a healthy everyday routine

Most people need to know how to maintain a healthy routine. Tell them about different exercises and modes of exercise to ensure that each joint is mobile and blood circulation is maintained.

5. Motivational Vlogs

Despite all the technology and ease it offer, the number of patients suffering from depression is increasing. Motivational vlogs are very popular and often go viral.

· How to face challenges

Often people feel defeated in the face of a challenge. Use your vlogging ideas on how to beat those fears.

· Self-love

Enforce the idea of self-love in your vlogs.

6. Challenge Vlogs

These videos are the rage these days. Posing different challenges and then trying to fill these tall orders.

· Get different people to fill out the challenges.

Try making contestants break each other’s records. This should be a fun video.

· Keep challenges simple

Create simple challenges that people can try at home and ask them to post their videos.

Also read: How to Choose a YouTube Niche

7. Informational/ Tech Vlogs

Not many people are tech-savvy. Vlogs related to technology are always welcome.

· Use different products for vlogging.

You can create vlogs on how to use phones and the problems faced while using phones, laptops, tablets, and other gadgets. Show how to maneuver different apps. There is so much that you won’t be at a loss for vlogging ideas.

· Share your opinions

People are watching your vlogs because they trust you. Give unbiased opinions about the technologies used. Be sure to do your research.

8. News and Views Vlog

This is a very interesting segment, and if you are into international affairs, then this is your niche. Pick up different news and give reviews. There can be different reviews, though.

· News

Pick up different news items from newspapers, TV, or even social media and give a brief review.

· Books

Book reviews are important for people who read.

· Music

Like books, music lovers love reviews.

· Technology

Technology always generates confusion. Give reviews about different technologies.

Also read: 10 Steps: How to Become a Successful YouTuber

9. Hobbies Vlog

Explore different hobbies. People love to collect different things. Cover those collections. Other collectors would love to see these videos. You can go vlogging the hobbies of different people, celebrities, and much more.

10. Parenting Vlog

This segment is also a much-appreciated one.

· Mother’s life.

Parenting comes with challenges. Offer to advise, seek opinions from experienced parents and share different ideas in the vlog.

· Father’s life

It’s not just the mothers but the fathers also get harassed while raising children. Cover different aspects from a father’s viewpoint.


It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie or are simply vlogging to enhance some other segment of the internet. Vlogging can be daunting as it is a way of personalizing your creativity. The above vlogging ideas can be used to showcase your personality or to humanize your brand. But success always lies in how creative you can get and making sure that you impart authentic information. Create visually pleasant videos. You can add music in the background to drown out the background noise. Download the Free Music Pack for Creators from Kabgig Music. They have music suitable for all projects.

Best of luck with your vlogging journey.


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