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15 Vlogging Tips For Beginners

Recently, vlogging has gained a lot of popularity, and more and more individuals are looking for vlogging tips for beginners. Before we go any further, let me just clarify that becoming a daily vlogger is not a requirement for success. Others need 4 to 5 videos each week to reach the same degree of success as certain vloggers who succeed with as few as 1 video per week.

As a vlogger, it is your duty to frequently update your YouTube channel, provide quality video, and show up when viewers expect you to. This may seem to be an easy enough task, right? There is more to it than that, though, and I want to provide you with some advice on how to start your vlog.

Let’s Start!

vloging camera with microphone on a tripod 
15 Vlogging Tips for Beginners

15 Vlogging Tips For Beginners

You’re in the perfect place if you want to start vlogging but don’t know where to begin. We’re going to give you a few crucial tips that each and every beginner should be aware of.

Here are the top 15 tips for you!

1. Discover Your Niche

Knowing what you want to vlog about is the first vlogging tip for beginners. Consider subjects or activities that you are knowledgeable about. You don’t even need to be exceptional at anything; just having desire is sufficient.

We are aware that narrowing your focus might be challenging, particularly if you have many interests or are indecisive. Therefore, attempt to keep your vlogs relevant to one another if you want to make a variety of different types of them.

For instance, house tours and fashion haul vlogs go well together, as do the trip and cosmetic tutorial vlogs.

Also read: How to Choose a YouTube Niche

2. Consistency

One of the vlogging tips for beginners also includes consistency. Being consistent is essential if you want to become a well-known vlogger. Almost all well-known vloggers with a large following have been active on YouTube for a while. Others have even been active on YouTube for over ten years! Even after all those years, they continue to consistently post good videos.

  • So that your viewers know what to anticipate, be consistent with your upload times, volume, and vlog quality.
  • If you abruptly cease uploading for a month, you won’t gain many subscribers.

3. Keep the videos engaging

Maintaining the interest of your viewers in your videos is one of the most important vlogging tips for beginners. The largest issue that people face when they vlog is that they don’t have enough to keep their audience entertained. You must therefore come up with strategies for maintaining the attention level of your films.

Here are the tips for making video engaging:

  • Look out for trends.
  • Working along with other YouTubers
  • Talking to the camera drills.
  • Slick transitions
  • Feel-good tunes
  • Add an engaging intro and outro.
  • Regularly publish.

Also read: How to increase YouTube Engagement

4. Filmmaking Techniques

To create a quality vlog, you don’t need to be a skilled filmmaker, but there are a few vlogging tips for beginners that will amaze viewers and save your time during editing.

  • Illumination

You must have decent illumination, to begin with. Ring lights will become your best buddy.

  • Natural light

Make use of natural light if you’re not planning to use artificial lighting. Try to capture the sun at an oblique horizontal angle, such as during golden hour, or shoot in a setting that effectively reflects the sun. These are very useful vlogging tips for beginners to be aware of.

5. Select appropriate equipment

Red cinema camera on the floor video gear 15 Vlogging Tips for Beginners

If you currently own vlogging equipment, it may be worthwhile to review it to ensure that all of the pieces are suitable for your intended use. One of the most important vlogging tips for beginners is to use decent equipment.

Consider your essential shooting and audio needs before deciding whether your vlogging kit could use an extra tool (like attachable lighting equipment) or a few sensible upgrades.

6. Set a personal target

What are your targets? Would you like to vlog every day to share personal details about your life with others? Do you want to create a video blog for fun? This is the main question to consider while you are looking for vlogging tips for beginners. 

  • Whatever your justification, be sure to make this a target.
  • Make sure your audience is also aware of your objectives.
  • People are more likely to want to and be able to assist you if they are aware of who you are and what you’re trying to do.

7. Emphasize quality

Quality vlogs is one of the main vlogging tips for beginners. Your vlogs should be primarily focused on quality. Even though they don’t have enough material to produce an interesting vlog every day, many vloggers attempt to maintain a daily posting schedule.

Even if it means you only post 1-2 videos a week, keep your attention focused on creating high-quality vlogs that your viewers will enjoy viewing.

Also read: 7 Ways to Improve Your Video Content

8. Make use of high-quality video editing software.

Without any good video editing, a vlog is likely to fall short since it lacks the engaging visual appeal, audio/musical elements, graphics, and editing necessary to keep viewers’ attention. So you can’t skip these vlogging tips for beginners.

Therefore, it’s crucial to consider all of your video editing software options. It could take some time to become acquainted with all the capabilities and functions of video editing software if you’re not familiar with it, but the numerous editorial improvements you receive make the time investment worthwhile.

Also read: DaVinci vs. Premiere Pro [Compare]: Beginners Choice

9. Make captivating thumbnails

Investing a lot of time, energy, and creativity into a vlog only to see little to no internet attention is demoralizing. Therefore, one of the vlogging tips for beginners includes creating eye-catching thumbnails.

If you want to lessen the likelihood of this happening, you could think about making a unique video thumbnail using a graphic design program like Canva, uploading it to your preferred video hosting service (like YouTube), and including it in your vlog post.

  • The finest thumbnails include an eye-catching image that accurately depicts a vlog’s content.
  • They may also include the vlogger themselves as well as sentences that have been bolded for added impact.

10. Talk to the camera as if it were your friend

One of the vlogging tips for beginners is to try to act as though you are speaking to your friends instead of the camera to personalize your vlogs and establish a stronger connection with your viewers.

This enables you to speak more casually and spontaneously, which is more entertaining and approachable for your audience.

Also read: How to Start Vlogging In 2022

11. Understand your audience

One of the most important vlogging tips for beginners is to understand your audience. You should review the analytics information for your channel (given by your video sharing platform) to learn more about your audience and their viewing preferences in order to track how well your vlogs are performing in a crowded market.

You will be able to get a general breakdown of the demographics of your viewers, including their age, gender, normal viewing duration, and other channels they frequently use. All told, this knowledge offers a solid basis from which you can refine your methods or change the course of future vlogs.

12. Keep the Length Reasonable

Vlog length is an important vlogging tip for beginners who are unaware of the duration of vlogs. Really, the length of a vlog is up to you but try to keep it acceptable. For authors who already have a following that anticipates their content, long vlogs perform well.

However, avoid making it too brief, as you risk failing to make your point. For novices, 10 to 20 minutes is a reasonable duration.

13. Recognize emerging trends

The less successful beginner vloggers are sometimes those that don’t always maintain their fingers on the pulse in a fast-paced world full of influential people, rising trends, and cultural events (like not paying attention to these vlogging tips for beginners).

Although being authentic is the key to successful vlogging, being up to date on what other vloggers are doing and what’s new in culture, in general, will give you an advantage and help you stay on task. You’re also more likely to see your vlog receive a lot of views or possibly go viral if you react to a trend or event early on.

14. Utilize social media to advertise your vlogs.

social media for video creators vloggers 15 Vlogging Tips for Beginners

If you have social media accounts, don’t be afraid to use them to spread the word about your fresh vlog content. This is a successful vlogging tip for beginners to rise early in their careers.

  • You might intensify your marketing initiatives as well.
  • You may, for instance, ask viewers to subscribe to your channel, post comments, and watch more of your vlogs at the conclusion of each one.
  • A lot of the most well-known vloggers also exhort viewers to visit their websites or follow them on social media by providing links.

15. Platforms for Vlogs to Consider

YouTube is a great tool to use and the king of user-generated video content. However, it’s not the only place to get noticed by video bloggers. The choices are expanding as video becomes a more well-known and widely used medium for material of all kinds.  You can choose other choices if you are not successful on one platform. This is an alternate vlogging tip for beginners.

Other well-liked platforms are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram Stories
  • Facebook Live
  • IGTV
  • Twitch
  • Vimeo

These services will assist you if you want to experiment with alternative video formats, reach more people, or target a different audience than the YouTube community.

You may now use to get stock music for your vlogs. Here you can get royalty-free music that you can use without running afoul of copy write laws in your vlogs. Download Free music pack for creators right away to add elegance and spice to your vlogs.


As you can see, vlogging involves a lot, yet you can benefit greatly from it. You must keep in mind that the viewers of your videos desire original content, thus original and interesting content will always prevail.

You can expect a wider perspective of what to expect and what to prepare for in your chosen area after reading the best vlogging tips for beginners that we share with you.


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